Hi! I’m Natasha.

Welcome to Niche Site Jumpstart – your source for mastering the art of buying, growing, and flipping websites!

I’m a seasoned website developer, entrepreneur, and website flipper, with over 20 years of experience in digital marketing. My journey began back in the late 90s when I built my very first website from scratch, using only HTML. I was so proud of it! From there, I pivoted to social media management for corporate accounts.

In 2018, I launched my dog health and wellness site, which reignited my passion for website development and content creation. However, I quickly realized that I enjoyed working on a variety of niches more than just sticking to one.

As a savvy entrepreneur, I started keeping an eye on sites to purchase and stumbled upon a bundle of two sites with content that perfectly complemented the dog site. I bought the bundle, and after taking some of the articles from one of the sites, I was able to sell it for a good profit.

I then made updates to the second site, and it also sold successfully. Between the two sites, I made a profit of over 216%! The experience of flipping websites was so exciting.

My success in flipping websites motivated me to start Niche Site Jumpstart, where I share my knowledge and experience with others. Through this site, I provide expert guidance on building, growing, buying, and flipping websites.

My goal is to help others achieve financial freedom by creating, growing, and selling profitable niche sites.

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Looking for a custom project? Need help building your dream website?

Please email me at hello@NicheSiteJumpstart.com or fill out the contact form below and I’ll be in touch!