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Simplify CTAs with Kadence Elements

There are some affiliate links below, but they are all products I highly recommend. For more info, view my disclosure here.

We all know how important it is to have a CTA (call to action) so your readers can sign up for your freebie, join your group, or promote your newest product. But it can be a pain to go through each relevant post to manually add them.

And if you decide to change the text or image? Gotta go back through to edit them! WordPress synced patterns make it easier to manage by making reusable blocks that are synced, so if you change it on one post it’ll reflect everywhere that block is used.

But putting them in place can be time consuming if you need to access every post, and if you only want to swap them out on specific categories, you’ll have to manually remove them.

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For a powerful WordPress theme that offers a ton of customization options, Kadence is my go-to recommendation. With its intuitive interface and flexible design, Kadence is the perfect choice for anyone looking to create a professional-looking website without spending hours on coding.

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The free version of Kadence is one of the most inclusive themes I’ve used. It’s fantastic and has tons of features, so if you’re just starting out, I highly recommend it.

If you’re ready to level up your site and make life significantly easier, Kadence Pro is where it’s at. One of the key features of Kadence Pro is its Elements tool, which allows you to easily add custom content to your website.

Whether you’re looking to create a stunning homepage, a dynamic landing page, or a custom blog post, Kadence Elements makes it easy to add the content you need to make your website stand out.

Getting Started with Kadence Elements

Kadence Elements is a feature of Kadence Pro that provides hooked element content customizations to help site owners better control the look and feel of their WordPress websites.

Hooked elements are basically when you add the element to a specific “hook”, like let’s say after the third paragraph on your blog posts. Or adding an affiliate disclaimer to posts that are tagged with a specific tag.

Understanding Kadence Elements

Kadence Elements lets you use a wide range of elements that you can use to create custom pages, posts, and other content types. With Kadence Elements, you can add custom content sections, fixed sections, templates, and HTML editors to your website.

Getting Started – Installing Kadence Pro

Before you can use Kadence Elements, you need to install and activate Kadence Pro. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Download Kadence Pro from your product downloads section of your Kadence account.
  2. Log in to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to Plugins > Add New.
  3. Click the Upload Plugin button and select the Kadence Pro zip file.
  4. Click the Install Now button and wait for the plugin to install.
  5. Click the Activate Plugin button to activate Kadence Pro.
Kadence Elements Sidebar

Once Kadence Pro is installed and activated, you can find your elements in the admin dashboard at Appearance > Elements.

Designing with Kadence Elements

Kadence Elements is a powerful tool that allows you to create custom templates, sections, and blocks for your WordPress website. In this section, we will explore how to use Kadence Elements to design your website.

Creating a New Element

To create a new element, you need to navigate to the Elements dashboard and click on “Add New.” There will be 4 options to pick from.

Kadence Elements Setup

CONTENT SECTION is for building the element using Customizer blocks.

FIXED SECTION allows you to create content that is fixed to your site.

TEMPLATE lets you make templates that replace sections like a sidebar or page.

HTML EDITOR lets you build using HTML code.

The Content Section is perfect for adding affiliate disclaimers, email capture forms, and other frequently used content!

Utilizing Kadence Blocks

Kadence Blocks is a collection of pre-built blocks that you can use to design your website. These blocks are designed to work seamlessly with Kadence Elements.

To utilize Kadence Blocks, you need to navigate to the editor and click on the “Add Block” button. From there, you can choose from a wide range of pre-built blocks that you can customize to fit your needs.

Kadence Blocks include various blocks, such as testimonials, pricing tables, call-to-action, and more. These blocks are designed to be customizable, allowing you to change the colors, fonts, and other design elements to match your website’s branding.

Configuring Kadence Element Settings

Once you have created your Kadence Element, you will need to configure the settings to ensure that it looks and functions as intended.

General Settings Overview

The General Settings tab is where you can configure the basic settings for your Kadence Element. Here, you can set the element’s name, choose its type, and select its display options. You can also set the element’s visibility based on user roles and device types.

Under the User Settings section, you can choose which user roles can see the element. This can be useful if you want to show certain elements only to logged-in users or to users with specific roles, such as course purchasers.

You can also set the element’s visibility based on device type. For example, you can choose to show the element only on desktop devices or only on mobile devices.

Here’s a walkthrough guide on creating your first email capture with Kadence elements.

Advanced Placement Strategies

Hooked Elements and Their Placement

Kadence Elements offers a unique feature called Hooked Elements that allows you to place your custom element anywhere on your website. With Hooked Elements, you can place your custom element on a specific page, post, or even a custom post type. You can also place your custom element on a specific location on your website, such as the header, footer, or sidebar.

Conditional Display Settings

Conditional Display Settings in Kadence Elements allow you to show or hide your custom element based on certain conditions. For example, you can show your custom element only to logged-in users, or only on specific pages or posts. You can also show your custom element only on certain devices, such as desktop or mobile.

To use Conditional Display Settings, you need to create a new Hooked Element in Kadence Elements and choose the Display Settings tab. From there, you can choose the conditions that you want to apply to your custom element. Here are the configuration settings I use for my affiliate disclosure and for my email capture.

Kadence elements configuration

Customization and Integration

Kadence Elements provide a wide range of customization options, making it easy to tailor your website to your specific needs. In this section, we’ll explore two specific areas where you can customize your site: headers and footers, and WooCommerce integration.

Integrating with WooCommerce

If you’re running an online store with WooCommerce, Kadence Elements offers a range of features to help you integrate your store seamlessly into your website. With Kadence Theme, you can customize the look and feel of your WooCommerce store to match the rest of your website.

Kadence Elements also includes a range of WooCommerce-specific elements, such as the WooCommerce Product Carousel and the WooCommerce Product Grid. These elements allow you to showcase your products in a visually appealing way, making it easy for your customers to browse and purchase your products.

In addition to these features, Kadence Theme also offers a range of customization options for your WooCommerce store. You can customize the product pages, the checkout process, and even the emails that are sent to your customers.

There are so many cool ways to use Kadence elements to grow your site. You can learn even more about all the cool features by checking out Kadence WP Documentation.

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